From the Founder's Heart

Every time while travelling in train without pantry, looking at the boring breakfast cereals, typical dry packaged foods at the airports or onboard and shops full of the age old maggie noodles at the hill stations or trekking points, there was a continuous  feeling that there could be better options suitable for regional taste pallet. In the era of fast life, craving for healthy yet convenient food options was also growing day by day.

So, I started dating with different foods through different experiments!  Well, as usual the lot of these experimental food dates ended up into breakups. I tried different tricks, techniques to find a best match. Some of the sessions were ‘hot’ enough to burn myself.  Some breakups took me on the verge of depression as well. But then I got through and found my match.

We had a long affair together and finally it was born. We named it ‘steamy amours’ to remember the moments we spent together figuring out! Well it took more than 9 months of nurturing to begin its journey. Steamy amours has born with a dream, what it wants to become. And we as parents would like to put in best for its dream to come true.

The Dream…..Vision and Mission

We want to create ready to eat and ready to cook products by balancing between nutrition, technology, culture, innovation and tradition to make the food experience interesting, easy, convenient and comfortable!!!

Schooling…where did they learn it from?

It started long long ago!

1795, Nicolas Appert invented the process of appertization to preserve food in a sealed container. The first application was done by Napolean’s Navy when they wanted to travel long distance to conquer the world!!!

British Donkin, Chevalier Appert and Louis Pasteur contributed to this knowledgebase.

Then in 1960, USA military and NASA started using this technology for providing food to the soldiers and astronauts!

So initially they did a crash course. But later a whole school of food processing came out offering new technologies and products for common consumers.

Skills learned.. the technology!

Have you ever wondered how  the astronauts get their food in the space? Well, some have gels  and dry food but mostly they use ready to eat meals cooked using retort technology!

The semi-cooked or fully cooked food is sealed in specific retort pouches. These pouches are then kept into large pressure cookers where the temperature and pressure kills all microorganisms. Inside food can then be kept without refrigeration for 24 months!

Earlier the food used to be packed in the cans. But in 1960, NASA wanted the astronauts to carry light weight packaging for their foods and the retort pouch was invented.

Knowledge Applications….what all is possible?

Today, retort pouches are used for different food items, which includes sauces, gravies, pet foods, baby foods, seafood, vegetables, ready to eat meals, and even beverages like coffee and juices.

We can now take retort cooked foods for trekking, during travelling and also keep on the shelves in home or office to make the cooking efforts easy.

From pet food to astronauts and in natural disasters to war, the packaged, ready to eat, shelf stable foods are gaining more and more popularity.

Path ahead

New  technologies are emerging to make our food experience easy and convenient.  A new MATS technology had come up with reduced heat treatment and some have commercialised it already!

Planet, climate and technology are changing and so are food preservation methods. We are exploring the new destinations on the new paths and will bring it to you!!!

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